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Limestone is widely used as a building stone since it is readily available and easy to work with. It is a sedimentary stone, layered and formed from the skeletons and shells of sea creatures that lived in vast, warm seas millions of years ago. taxi to O'Hare Arlington Heights .. Lockport Chicago limo O’Hare Much domestic limestone is gray to buff in color, while some pastel shades of yellow to pink are available. Imported limestones are available in colors ranging from light beige to dark brown, red and black. When the mineral dolomite is present, it makes the limestone harder and capable of being polished in the same manner as metamorphic marble.


Most common uses:

  • Interior and exterior wall cladding
  • Interior and exterior paving
  • Limited counter top use

Antique Gold


Gascogne Blue

Giallo Provenza

Green Stone

Jerusalem Gold Dark

Jerusalem Gold Light

Jura Beige

Jura Grey

Lagos Blue


Mocha Cream

Porta Beige

Ramon Grey

Rochelle Blue


Saint Hubert

White Sands



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Granite City Co.